Robert McCorkel Revolutionary War Pension Declaration - S9430

(Transcribed by Dave Woody)


This declaration was transcribed from a microfilm of the original at the Chicago Branch of the National Archives. Brackets enclose words and phrases that were difficult to read. Question marks denote words and phrases that were impossible to read.



August 28, 1832

This day appeared in open court Robert McCorkle who made and filed his Declaration to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th  June 1832 granting pensions for services rendered in the revolutionary war and the said court does hereby declare their opinion that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states.



Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th June 1832 State of Ohio County of Lawrence Court of Common Pleas August Term 1832


On the 29 Day of August A.D. 1832, personally appeared before the judges of the court of com. Pleas aforesaid in & for said county in open court, Robert McCorkel a resident of Union Township in the county of Lawrence, a farmer, age 72 years, who being first duly sworn, according to law, does on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress ????? June 7th 1832.

That, firstly, he enlisted in the army of the United States in the month of October 1776 - (the day of the month he does not remember believes the 10th), at Staunton, Augusta County, Virginia, for the Term of two years with ?????????????? and served in the 12th Regt. of the Virginia Line under the following named officers, to wit, in the company commanded by Capt. Michael Boyer (or Bowyer) (the Lieutenents name was Robert Gamble, Ensign John McDowell) The Regt. was commanded by Col. James Wood & Gen. Scott commanded the Brigade. Immediately after he enlisted, he went into the service & served faithfuly the whole term, as follows, the company during the following winter was stationed at the head of the Monongahea River called [Tigres?] Valley, at Randolph County & ?? there till March 1777 - From there they went to Philadelphia - Here Declarant was sick with the small pox for some weeks - as soon as he recovered he marched & joined the main army near West Point - From there he went with the army to Brandywine & Germantown, I fought in these battles - Lay at Valley Forge during the winter following - In the spring or summer of 1778 went with the army through New Jersey to White Plains thence to West Point wher he continued till he was regulary discharged on the 14 November 1778 - This term of service was performed as a private - He further declares that he was born & raised at Augusta County, Virginia, six miles S. West of Staunton where he enlisted - Resided at Augusta Co. at [comminat?], & for year after the war.

And the said Robert McCorkel further declares, secondly, that sometime in the summer of 1780, (the month & day he does not recollec) he enlisted again at the same place when he ??? ???? in Augusta County Virginia, for the Term of Eighteen Months, & faithfuly served the whole term under the [officers?] & at the places follow - following - to wit - In the company commanded by Capt. St[r?]ubling in the first Regt. of the Virginia Line, commanded by Col. Haws - in Gen. Greenes Brigade - Immediately after he enlisted he went  into the Southern States & continued there till about the close of the year 1781 - when he was regularly discharged - He enlisted for this Term at Staunton in Virginia - Then matched to the [night, right, fight?]) ?? Guilford to Her???,  ?x - where he lay with the corps besieging the Fort 42 days - Then ? returned toward Virginia -  Then marched to Orangeburgh in South Carolina - then to Columbia, Eastern Springs & Camden, at which latter place he was discharged. He was in the battles of Eastern Springs, Fort Friday [Findley?] & several other skirmishes - This latter service was performed in the capacity of orderly sergeant. He received regular discharges the first signed by Col. [Rupert?] at the termination of both the before ???? term of service but whether in writing, except the first - or by whom signed & except the first he can not say - He has now no documentary evidence of his service or discharges.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or an annuity, except the present, & declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state -

Sworn & subscribed the day & year aforesaid -

??? Jos. Wheeler  Clerk      Robert McCorkel (his signature)

And the said court do hereby declare their opinion that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier & served as he states.

I, Joseph Wheeler, Clerk of the court of common Pleas, aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of Robert McCorkel for a Pension -

In testimony ???? I have hereto set my name & seal of office this 29 day of August 1832 and of this state the ????  Jos Wheeler Clerk 




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Revised Jan 12, 2012